Welcome to the website of the MTA–ELTE Momentum Interfacial Electrochemistry Research Group. Founded in 2022 in the framework
of the Momentum Programme of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
our research group represents a continuation of the former Laboratory of Electrochemistry and Electroanalytical Chemistry, led by Prof. György Inzelt.
The group operates at Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest,
Institute of Chemistry, with the mission of fostering the high international reputation of the
Hungarian Electrochemical School marked by the names of, amongst others, György Hevesy and Tibor Erdey-Grúz.
The honorary leader of our community of researchers is Prof. Dr. György Inzelt.
The leader of the research group is Dr. Soma Vesztergom.
Postal address: | H-1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A, HUNGARY |
Phone: | +36 1 372 2500 (extension 1505) |
E-mail: | soma.vesztergom@ttk.elte.hu |