Electrochemical impedance measurements in non-stationary systems — Application of the 4-dimensional analysis method for the impedance analysis of overoxidized poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-modified electrodes
The paper authored by
M. Ujvári,
D. Zalka,
S. Vesztergom,
S. Eliseeva,
V. Kondratiev and
G.G. Láng
is published in Bulgarian Chemical Communications (2017, vol. 49, pp. 106–113).
In this study it has been shown that the 4-dimensional analysis method, originally proposed by Stoynov, can not only be used for the correction of existing (experimentally measured) impedance data, but it also opens up the possibility of the estimation of impedance spectra outside the time interval of the measurements. As an illustrative example the method is applied for the determination of the charge transfer resistance of a polymer modified electrode corresponding to the time instant just after overoxidation of the poly(3,4-ethylenedioxytiophene) (PEDOT) film.