Eötvös Loránd University
Laboratory of Electrochemistry &
Electroanalytical Chemistry

News from 2019

Some observations on the electrochemical reactions of bisphenol A on polycrystalline gold in contact with 0.1 M aqueous NaClO4 solution

The paper authored by K. J. Szekeres, É. Fekete, M. Ujvári, S. Vesztergom, V. V. Kondratiev and G. G. Láng is published in Russian Journal of Electrochemistry (2019, vol. 55, pp. 1127–1135).

Design and application of diimine-based copper(I) complexes in photoredox catalysis

The paper authored by T. Földesi, G. Sipos, R. Adamik, B. Nagy, B. L. Tóth, A. Bényei, K. J. Szekeres, G. G. Láng, A. Demeter, T. J. Peelen and Z. Novák is published in, and featured by the cover pages of Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry (2019, vol. 17, pp. 8343–8347).

Импеданс LiFe0.4Mn0.6PO4 электродов с комбинированным проводящим полимерным связующим PEDOT:PSS и карбоксиметилцеллюлозой

The paper authored by Р. В. Апраксин, С. Н. Елисеева, М. А. Каменский, Е. Г. Толстопятова, Г. Г. Ланг and В. В. Кондратьев is published in Электрохимия (2019, vol. 55, pp. 1295–1306).

Некоторые наблюдения электрохимических реакций бисфенола А на поликристаллическом золоте в контакте с водным раствором 0.1 М NaClO4

The paper authored by К. Й. Секереш, Э. Фекете, М. Уйвари, С. Вестергом, В. В. Кондратьев and Г. Г. Ланг is published in Электрохимия (2019, vol. 55, pp. 1381–1390).

Electron transfer controlled by solvent and counter-anion dynamics in electrochemistry of viologen-type ionic liquid

The paper authored by N. Bodappa, Y.-Ch. Fu, P. Broekmann, J. Furrer, K. Zick, S. Vesztergom, H. Tahara and T. Sagara is published in Electrochimica Acta (2019, vol. 320, pp. 134559).

Analysis of voltammograms of quasi-reversible redox systems: Transformation to potential program invariant form

The paper authored by T. Pajkossy and S. Vesztergom is published in Electrochimica Acta (2019, vol. 297, pp. 1121–1129).