Eötvös Loránd University
Laboratory of Electrochemistry &
Electroanalytical Chemistry

News from 2011

Festschrift dedicated to Prof. Dr. György Inzelt

The Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry (voume 15, issue 11-12) dedicates a festschrift to Prof. Dr. György Inzelt, the leader of LEEAC on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Congratulations!


Read the laudation written by F. Scholz and M.A. Vorotyntsev or visit the journal's website.

Trends in the study of the electrochemical stability of perchlorate ions against reductive attacks

The book chapter authored by M. Ujvári and G.G. Láng (in L.E. Matthews (ed): Perchlorates: Production, Uses and Health Effects, pp. 1–50) is published by NOVA Science Publishers (2011, New York).

On the stability of perchlorate ions against reductive attacks in electrochemical systems and in the environment

The paper authored by M. Ujvári and G.G. Láng is published in Journal of Electrochemical Science & Engineering (2011, vol. 1, pp. 1–26).

Monitoring of the electrochemical degradation of PEDOT films on gold using the bending beam method

The paper authored by M. Ujvári, M. Takács, S. Vesztergom, F. Bazsó, F. Újhelyi and G.G. Láng, dedicated to Prof. Dr. György Inzelt on the occasion of his 65th birthday, is published in Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry (2011, vol. 15, pp. 2341–2349).

The leader of our laboratory awarded with the Leó Szilárd Fellowship for Professors

Prof. Dr. György Inzelt, the leader of LEEAC has been awarded with the Leó Szilárd Fellowship for Professors. Congratulations!


Download the text version of the speech made by Prof. Dr. György Inzelt on this occasion.

RRDE experiments with potential scans at the ring and disk electrodes

The paper authored by S. Vesztergom, M. Ujvári and G.G. Láng is published in Electrochemistry Communications (2011, vol. 13, pp. 378–381).

Prof. Dr. György Inzelt gets the Széchenyi Prize

The president of Hungary awards Prof. Dr. György Inzelt, the leader of LEEAC with the Széchenyi Prize. This is the highest honour in Hungary given to those who have made an outstanding contribution to the academic life of the country. Congratulations!